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Monday, July 09, 2007

Late comers at the Esplanade

This is quite a common scene in Singapore. People who bought tickets to attend a musical, play, show,etc.. and always turn up late.

I took this picture just outside the Esplanade windows, it's so brightly lit, you can just look in, and you know instantly these are late comers.

I have this pet peeve against people who turn out late and distract others when they move in.

Fellow DPs from all over the world, does this happen in your city too?
Fellow people in Singapore, do late comers irritate you too?


  1. The worst is that they come in noisily. There are a few people coming in late when the show starts.

  2. Welcome to Singapore! Common attendance protocol is more or less similar to that SAF H+1 mobilization time-allowance.

    Oh wait a minute... you ARE singaporean after all, right?! :P

  3. My family was at the Esplanade theatre to watch Dim Sum Dollies' "The History Of Singapore" on Sun 8 July at 3 pm (matinee show). Luckily, we were 5 min early. Otherwise, we could have been amongst the subjects of your photo.

  4. viva latecomers !!!

    greetz to all latecomers around the world
