Snapshot on 1 October 2024.
This boring place has been around since 1975.
Will be greatly missed by:
- the boring students of Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School that will eat here before and after school.
- the boring church members who eat here every Sunday and other days when they have church activities.
- the boring weekend warrior hikers who will rest here after their boring hikes nearby.
- the boring residents of Toh Yi Drive and the surrounding private housing who don't have maids, so the hawkers here are their personal chefs who will most of the time cook things to your pref because boring people eat at the same boring stalls daily.
- the boring househusbands and housewives that buy their meat and veggies and provisions for the uncle and aunties here.
What we won't miss:
- the grimy ceiling of the hawker centre.
- the birds that join in the fun, wow, there are even boring birds.
- the snatching of parking spaces from each other.