Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Richard Stallman in Singapore

This post is more for the geeky people out there.
Richard Stallman will be giving 2 talks in NUS next week.

Richard Stallman in Singapore

COM1/206 in the poster is actually Seminar Room 1 (Room 02-06) if you get lost and need instructions.
The good folks at NUS School of Computing would have provided the signs.

Richard Stallman in Singapore

For more info, you can go to:


  1. Oh, that'll attract the geeks all right.

    I also have a question : yesterday I took a photo of a lady in the train, she had a tattoo on her left foot. They look like Chinese characters to me, I have no idea what it means. Do you think you could help? Would you have the time to come and have a look on my blog ?

  2. THANK YOU SO MUCH ! I'm delighted that you were able to help.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you !
