Monday, July 12, 2010

Centre for Aquatic Science Research

I have been wanting to walk and see what the structure is. So I detoured on the way home today.
It has a translucent wavy roof and it is eye catching from a far.

Centre for Aquatic Science Research

I now know what it is. It's the Centre for Aquatic Science Research at Ulu Pandan. It's a research centre for Singapore-Delft Water Alliance. I have not heard of this before. If you want to find out more, you can visit their website at :


  1. What a fun roof, and a very pretty reflection!

  2. Can't wait for it to be ready and wonder if outsiders like us can visit the place. :-)

  3. Hi Keropok Man, about this CASR a new road leading to the centre is name after Dr Albert Winsemius. See my story:

  4. Dogcom,

    I just read your story.
    Interesting! Thanks for the link to the story. :-)
