Wednesday, June 02, 2010

I love museum

It's the school holidays in Singapore now. If you are a parent and running out of ideas to entertain your kids, you might want to turn your kid into a museum fan. ;-)

When I was doing my pre-U studies in Melbourne, I remember my teacher/lecturer saying that most people visit Museums and Art Galleries around the world and not the ones in their own city! Do you think it's true? I think so!

i love museum

If you have a few kids, you might find it expensive if you got to pay for entrance fees for so many people. (eg 4 or 5 persons)

A colleague told me that last week they were at the Science Centre to catch the Pixar thingy but they not go in after looking at the prices. They went nearby to entertain the kid.

But here's some good news. Many of us know that we usually have to pay for entrance fees for museums in Singapore. But looking at this huge banner, it says Free Admission!

"Singapore 1960" - starts tomorrow till 22 Aug 2010.
For more details you can visit

Singapore 1960

Here's another activity for your weekends in Singapore.
Walking tours! If you like to walk and get to know Singapore more, you might want to visit
They have free walking tours every Sunday.


  1. no posting on daily photo and daily makan for a few days?? I am missing the updates.

  2. lovely! why cannot KL be more like that .. sigh :P

  3. i was there for the 1960 exhibition already :) love it ..
