Thursday, April 08, 2010

CC2 Bras Basah Station

Many people do not know that this "pool of water" just opposite the Singapore Arts Museum is the 'roof' of the Bras Basah Station below!

CC2 Bras Basah MRT Station

It lets natural light in to the station below. It will definitely save on lighting cost for this station!
As the sun's ray passes through the water, it creates a rippling effect below.

CC2 Bras Basah MRT Station

Bras Basah translated into English means Wet Rice. Do you think the lines in the water feature resembles a 'modern look' paddy/rice field in the first photo above?

CC2 Bras Basah MRT Station

This station won the World Architecture Festival - World Transport Building of the Year under the Transport category in 2009.


  1. the name of this place always reminds me of what occurs after a good workout. A WET BRA :P

  2. finally it's open, it looks very watery inside, really beautiful. ^-^
