Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Wallace Education Centre @ Dairy Farm Nature Park

I guess not many people in Singapore knows the existence of this place. It's the Wallace Education Centre at the Dairy Farm Nature Park.

wallace education centre

Can you imagine that Singapore had a cowshed long ago?

wallace education centre


You can read more about about this Nature Park at the National Parks website. Oh, I found a website that has all things Alfred Russell Wallace if you are interested to read more about him.

Look at the Moo above, do you like dairy products? My favourite dairy based food is not milk or cheese. It's ice cream!


  1. moo... said the cow. ^0^
    i like all dairy products! reminded me of wallace n gromit's series where he said:i want cheese...

  2. It is indeed a pleasant surprise to see Singapore having such rustic charm. Congratulations on your blog being selected as a finalist in the Singapore Blog Awards!
