Thursday, November 19, 2009

It's Flooding! with Floating Freezers and Garbage Bins

There was loud thunder and lighting and it rained as if we heaven was crying....

But we never expect it to flood at Jalan Jurong Kechil. Colleagues and I were having lunch at a Korean restaurant and Lorong Kilat at Upper Bukit Timah. (Oh, this is so corny, but that's translated at Lighting Lane in English!)

We were stuck and can't get back to the office after lunch. We walked to the corner and saw that Jalan Jurong Kechil was flooded.

Look Floating Freezer

Look! Floating garbage bins! That's not the only one floating. We saw quite a few floating by...

See that white box with the word ICE? That's the freezer from the Cheers convenience store that contains the ice. That box is usually located next to the entrance, now it's floating away!

As usual, you see people taking photos. Wonder if she is going to 'stomp' it? LOL

p/s I contributed the rest of the photos to


  1. WAH so that's what I missed when I left my place about 2.30pm... The flood subsided by then!

  2. Climate change sending down a clear message eh ? *grin*

    <<== i think this is the lady u shoot with your camera.. :)

  4. B - GPC,
    Were you sleeping till 2.30 pm? LOL. Watch the youtube by Anon below!

    Haha. That's a good one.

    Yes it is!

    Wow! That is 100% the same lady! How did you find this video?

  5. haha... pure coincidence! after i view your picture i went to my fb and BANG there is was on my friend's wall...:D

  6. Anon

    the world is so connected now eh?
