Monday, February 02, 2009

Stole a cow?

These fake cows are some by this advertising company called Moove Media. These cow placards is synonymous with them now.

The cows are back again!

These few weeks, this company have cows with Chinese Characters like this one appearing randomly at different places.

Momo saw this at one house, hmm and wonders if this family 'stole' it and left it in front of their house. haha..


  1. I'm sure its just "borrowed"! Lol!

    Its a colourful looking character.

  2. this family is probably getting money for having the advertisement on their property. Nice house, by the way!

  3. Guess the company don't mind the additional advertising

  4. Ut Oh...hahaha....not nice of them to steal during chinese new year. Very bad example to their kids.

  5. P.S. Not to steal even if it is not chinese new

  6. At first i thought it was Comfort Delgro's advertising arm that placed the cow in front of the private house. But then like you said, it's probably stolen by the family from elsewhere and "planted" right in front of their doorstep :p

  7. i saw this cow placards too when i was Singapore a week ago. I find them really cute and is a creative way of decorating the city.

  8. This is an adorable placard! I wouldn't mind having it outside my gate. Moreover, it will usher it prosperity!! Wow, a good omen to have during CNY!! Ha ha ha...I am just a typical Chinese!

  9. The owner of my the house is my friend. His mom is one of the bosses of the company moove media which is the company that is producing these cows. haha i was quite shocked to see his house on your blog

  10. anon,
    haha.. so he did not steal it then? LOL... extra prop from their own creation.
