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Friday, February 13, 2009

Chocolate Research Facility

Saw this the other day at one shopping mall. (Millenia Walk).
It's a chocolate shop with such a catchy name.

It sure caught the attention of these 4 people who happen to walk past the shop.

Chocolate Research Facility

You can read more about them at:

I love chocolates. Might just walk in when our collection of chocolate at home is running out. Can't walk in now because we have too much chocolates at home. LOL

We have a mini fridge at home that stores only chocolates and sweets. We have it in the living room, beside our comfortable couch for easy reach when we are watching TV. :-p

(Our latest indulgence is eating chocolates (from chocolate bar NYC) that my youngest sis bought in NYC when she was delivering a conference paper there.)


  1. Oh din see the shop name at the top. I've walked past a few times and always wondered what in the world they were selling!

  2. First glance, I thought it was some cheap shoe shop. LOL (the one that stacks their shoes on the wall)

    Second glance, I thought it was some gift shop, and thought it might be some cheapo useless gifts.

    Then I finally got it, chocolate shop, but it still did not tempt me to go in. until my chocolate runs out. hopefully their chocolate is good.

  3. sounds geeky, must check it out one day :P

  4. keropokman, i was just like you, 1st I thought it was a shoe shop, then looking at the window display, I thought it was some shop selling the end, i just moved on without bothering to know what it's actually selling. Thanks for the update.

  5. This is one lab I wouldn't mind to work in.
    And as a Belgian, I can only applaud your fridge. I too cannot conceive a day without chocolate. You only need two things in your fridge: chocolate and Champagne. I live by that rule.

  6. I think you guys are fixed headed, stick by the book type of people. Don't you think it is a very nice concept? Don't judge the book by its cover. Or perhaps you just don't have the bucks to buy their products. i love their chocolates. I am a chef and I know how to appreciate good food. The world will be boring if everything will be done in all the same way. That's why, hats off to the people behind these Chocolate Research. They are the kind of people this world needs.
