Wednesday, December 03, 2008

What happaned to your sticker books?

A look at these men replacing the "big stickers" on the 'billboard' suddenly brings to mind: "What happened to all the stickers I collected when I was young?"

Did you all have stickers and sticker books? Where are they now? :-)


  1. yes i used to collect stickers, last i recall, i kept all my stickers in an envelope.
    I still have some of my stickers left, they are on some of my kitchen wall tiles. I stuck them there when I was little and it has stayed there till today after 20++ years :P

  2. My sons still have those stickers books. I have to look at them again. I still keep my sons' toys. One day, I am gonna take them out and show my

  3. Janice,
    You still have your stickers. I remember eating junk food just to collect stickers.

    I think my mum threw mine away. LOL

    My toys, mum recycled them away to other people's young kids. The other day I thought I saw something familiar in someone's house. Aha.....

  4. I'd forgotten all about sticker collecting! I used to collect football stickers, and I can't stand football! Lol :)
