Sunday, July 27, 2008

National Museum of Singapore. oh how colourful...

I only took 9 photos of the transformation. For each change you got to wait 5 mins. My legs were tired. ;-)

Can you spot the big butterfly?

This looks like a chalk board.

Hmm batik?

Hope you enjoyed it. I wonder how many different patterns are there...


  1. I love this! The second one looks like a new addition to Philippe Starcks Ghost collection. You know, to match his Ghost Chair... ;)

  2. Fabbo - this is like what they did all along Macquarie St at Christmas/New year. You see some familiar buildings in an entirely new , well, light!

    About David Jones: yes! You are so right about the woman wearing the houndstooth "logo"/imagery of DJs! It is a bit less so these days,and the staff don't wear it (plain balck and white these days) but here is an echo on their store credit card!

  3. Wow, these are beautiful! I know we can change the skins for our Windows Media Player....but never cross my mind that a building can also have the same treatment!

    Saw the butterfly in the first pix. Am I right?

    Do show us more skins if you have the opportunity to be there again!

  4. So amny wonderful views of one building. My favorite is the first, but I am a fan of purple.

  5. je préfère la première version, avec cette couleur pourpre

    I prefer the first version, with the color purple

  6. Cool effects!! It's all in the lights, right?

  7. amazing! how did they do that? I bet it was worth your legs getting tired!

  8. Cool ...
    Want to bring my kids there ...
    Thanks for the info.


  9. Brilliant!! I didn't know that the NM plays chamelon too!! Beautiful pictures!!
