Saturday, May 24, 2008

Meet-the-Artists from Imaginary Friends Studios

Was at Kinokuniya Books today and was given a free comic book. It happens to be a meet-the-artists session. This photo of the artist from Imaginary Friends Studios signing autographs.

Found out who they are from the Kinokuniya Website:

24th May 2008 (Saturday)
3.30pm – 4.30pm
Kinokuniya Singapore Main Store, Crossroads

Here’s a chance to meet the team of comic artists behind Imaginary #1 and find out more about upcoming comic releases Hercules, Caliber, Freedom Formula and Khrome in this exclusive session at Kinokuniya Singapore Main Store, Crossroads!

A collaboration between Singapore’s Imaginary Friends Studio and United States of America’s Radical Publishing, Imaginary #1 is a collection of sneak peeks into the four upcoming comic titles. Written by big names such as Steve Moore of British weekly sci-fi comic 2000AD and Steve Niles of the movie 30 Days of Night, these titles are not to be missed by comic lovers!

Look out for future developments on two of the titles Hercules and Caliber, which will be adapted onto the big screen with the latter produced by Johhny Depp and directed by John Woo.

1 comment:

  1. A free comic book? Cool! Did you get it authographed? That guyon the foreground seems so happy to sign - nice to see.
