Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Horse 8 - ClothesHORSE

OK OK. This will be the last horse that I will be posting for this week.

This is Horse No 8. I think this one looks really nice!

Horses with lipsticks!

It's already mid-week. Time passes so quickly.
Question for the ladies, do you wear lipsticks everyday?


  1. i've been away too long and missed this great horse series. Just caught up tho - they are just great. Love today's. No I don't wear lipstick everyday - the dogs don't notice!

  2. Hahahaha, this is a vain horse. Try to put on lipstick sometimes :P

  3. That one is very funny. Love it!
    I am not a lipstick kind of gal. I buy them, then forget I have them. Then, I no longer like the color, lol.

  4. it's not compulsory to put on lipstick in my office.. we don't even put on make up :p

  5. lol you are horsing around too much these days! :)
