Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Blessed are those who ride the train...

It has been a long long day. Those are my friends as they are all entering the Tanjong Pagar train station.

We have just finish Bible Study at a church just 100 metres away. From the passage in Matthew we studied today, we can say....

Blessed are those who take the train service.
For they will reach home in time.

Blessed are those who take the train service.
For they lower their carbon footprint.

Blessed are those who take the train service.
For they rode with SMRT which won the international "Best Passenger Service" award.


  1. What's the building at the back. The blue lights makes it really cool!

    Alex's World! - http://www.kakinan.com/alex

  2. Hi from Paris,
    I like this shot of blue lights !
    Take time to visit my blog on :
