Saturday, March 08, 2008

Inflation? Not at the IT Show...

People in Singapore has been complaining that cost of living is getting very high. You will think that it's a lie if you visited the Annual IT Show held here.

It was just maddening crowds everywhere, and I joined in too! LOL.

Everyone was just snapping up good deals. You could see lots of people carrying their 32 inch LCD Sony Bravia TVs. Others were snapping up desktop and laptop computers. Others are buying GPS to navigate around the little city state.

Do you have massive IT shows like this where you are?
My loot? A new LG KS20 mobile phone. :-)


  1. Think it's the same problem.

    Go to Country Clun and do a survey, you get answer A.

    Go to Orchard Road and do a survey, you get answer B.

    Go to poor man place and do a survey, you get answer C.

    Where A, B and C are skies apart

    So what we see at one place does not represent all =)

  2. well said! :-)

    But things are really getting expensive sigh...
