Thursday, February 21, 2008

Red Dot Design Museum @ Red Dot Traffic

How red can a building get? This red!

It sure is eye catching! What is it? It is a building called Red Dot Traffic.

That building hosts the Red Dot Design Museum.

Want to read more about the museum? Go to

When was the last time you went to a museum and which museum was it?


  1. c'est amusant et surprenant ce quartier sur le thème du rouge.
    it is amusing and surprising this quarter on the topic of the red.

  2. i love red colour and that's why i like this photo.
    science museum was the last one i've been to, it's amazing, lots of things to see and always looking forward to come back.

  3. Hello there. Well, I've been here, left for Bali, and now back for 2 days. It's funny you posted this as I ate with friends of mine tonight at the Red Dot Brewery (something like that) at Dempsey. I'll send you a separate email, but wanted you to know I hadn't forgotten.

  4. Great photo, great building! Last museum I've been to is the Galt Museum & Archives in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada [okay, I work there]. If that would not have been the case, I would have had to say the Mayne Island Museum in British Columbia, Canada.
