Sunday, January 20, 2008

of designers garbage bins on orchard rd

88 of these 'arty' or I would call them 'designer' garbage bins are around Orchard Road. people behind them are Creative Home, a youth project to encourage them to take ownership of the environment.

No more dull green garbage bins along Orchard Road. You can see 3 of them in this photo.

Do you know that there's a voting contest too? If you have seen them around, view the designs and vote for your favourite. You can visit Creative Home for more information.

Here's a shortcut to see all the designs and participate in the contest.


  1. superbe, je trouve que c'est une très bonne idée. Je vais essayer d'en parler à la mairie d'Evry, faire cela par des éleves.
    Superb, I think it's a very good idea. I will try to talk to the mayor of Evry, do this by students.

  2. There seem to be many attractions along Orchard Road!

    Thanks for your recent visits and comments

    from South Shields Daily Photo
