Tuesday, January 22, 2008

lion's head on the table...

This is not Simba's head, but two heads that belong to the two lions that's going to perform the Lion Dance.

This was spotted at The Centrepoint. One of the popular shopping malls in Singapore.

They are popular during Chinese New Year. If you are interested, you can read more at wikipedia.

Have you seen a Lion Dance performance?


  1. Wonderful figures for Chinese New Year...so traditional and colourful!

  2. Looks like they are all prepared for Chinese New Year! How the spirit in Singapore. Must be fun now.

    Alex's World! - http://www.kakinan.com/alex

  3. ces masques sont magnifiques. Je ne connais la danse des lions que par la télévision et je trouve cela très beau
    These masks are magnificent. I do not know dance lions that on television and I find it very beautiful

  4. Very nice pair with bright vibrant colours colours.
