Friday, October 05, 2007

God's Love Is Unlimited

It you wanted to zoom in to see how the patchwork looks like for yesterday's post, here it is.

How true that statement. Do you think so?


  1. I'm not sure about "God's love" being unlimited, but I am positive that the world needs more HUMAN love toward one another and nations. I'm getting awfully tired of this war-wracked universe of ours. I want to live in a world free of war and violence.

  2. What will this patchwork be fore? Is it made to be used as bedcover for future kids? It is very nice!

  3. ce patchwork (et ce zoom) est superbe, un tres beau travail, digne d'aller dans un musée, j'adore. Bon pour la citation "God's love" comme je ne suis pas croyant....
    Bon weekend

    this patchwork (and this zoom) are superb, a very beautiful work, worthy to go in a museum, I adore. Good for the quotation “God' S coils” as I am not believing….
    Good weekend

  4. It is very charming and colorful. I had no idea patchwork was popular in S'pore. Seems such a part of Americana to me.
    Tough question you are asking there...

  5. That statement is absolutely true, I have felt it in my own life. And the photo is very nice too. Maikki

  6. I think Muslims would say that were true and I can't deny that it is true.
