Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Western Ice Cream

Today I shall show you the Western Style of Ice Cream. This is what we get at McDonalds, the 60 cents cone. (used to be 50 cents until recently)

This cone looks like Elvis hair ya?
Tomorrow's post will be South East Asian version of ice dessert.


  1. en effet, c'est le meme coiffeur que celui d'Elvis ;o)))

    indeed, it is the same hairdresser who that of Elvis ;O)))

  2. Only 50 cents? They charge nearly $2 for the same thing here on Maui!

  3. Shirleen,

    I realise that yesterday! I had one yesterday and found out it was 60 cents!

    Usually order with other things, don't take note of the price. Only yesterday ordered a single cone and ey 10 cents more now!
