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Friday, August 17, 2007

Singapore Flyer Photo Update....

Today on the way to lunch in colleague's car, I snap this photo.

Wonder why one capsule is wrapped up in black. Hmmm....

The capsules for the flyer is slowly filling up the big wheel.

From the photo, you can see that it's a wet wet day with dull grey skies here in Singapore. How's the weather where you are?


  1. impressionnante cette grande roue, moi qui est le vertige ;o) j'espere qu'il n'y a pas trop de vent quand on est tout en haut.
    Aujourd'hui, a Evry, il fait bon, j'espere surtout que le weekend sera bon pour que je prenne des photos

    impressive this large wheel, me which is the giddiness ;O) I hope that there is not too much wind when one is all in top.
    Today, has Evry, it makes good, I hope especially that the weekend will be good so that I take photographs

  2. nice!!

    all the lines are so clear and distinct!

  3. I keep looking at this thing... What are those capsules for? Not for people I hope! They have no windows?

    Weather here couldn't be better, really. We've been lucky this summer, so far...

  4. What is that actually? I saw capsules, without any windows. I guess it's for generating electricity? Well, I'm bad in guessing. :P Weather hasn't been good lately. Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. It's been raining here.Not good because it makes my white school shoes dirty.Anyway,Have a good weekend:)

  6. The shape and form makes these photos very interesting. Clear and crisp! We're in the middle of a drought, but rain is supposed to soak the area today--hope so!!

  7. Ooo, the first picture is my favorite with the spokes and the circular framing. How very cool.

  8. Can post your photos on my blogs too

    Link you blog to mine so that we can have an update frequently. Thanks.
