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Thursday, June 21, 2007

you need long legs for this cheeky monkey

I saw this around 2 days ago. Hmm. the seat is so high. The owner must be really tall!

Can you ride a bike? Or do you ride a bike to work? One of my colleague sometimes does.

But most of the time he drives instead. haha. He stays in the East and works in the West, so it's a long ride!

btw, is cheeky monkey a bicycle brand? or the guy just stuck cheeky monkey for fun?


  1. Most people will take out their bikes from cellar when spring and summer begin in Germany and that makes the tram & underground are quiet but not totally caused when they get tired puddle than they will take a tram with their bike ;o)

  2. Yes, i think cheeky monkey is a brand. If i am not wrong, its a sydney, australia shop.

  3. Wah!!! I saw the person who rode this bike! Apparently he also hv long arms! ^^

  4. I can ride a bike but not steady. I either take a tram or being chauffeured to go places ;)

  5. I can ride a bike and blade too (but not at the same time), haha.

  6. Goodness, did you see the man who rode this bike. Extraordinary. Interesting post.

  7. Hey Keropok, I am glad I found your blog. Was actually searching for curry puff's recipe in google and got your link from Rasa Malaysia's blog. Anyway, your blog allows me to catch a glimpse of the Sunny Little Island while I am far away from home. Will definitely drop by again!

  8. I think you have to be a cheeky monkey to ride a bike with such a tall seat...

    A few people in Baton Rouge, but not many, ride their bicycles to work. It's a popular mode of transport for the university students here.

  9. c'est un velo de competition en salle ? je te souhaite un bon weekend

    it is a bicycle of competition in room? I wish you a good weekend

  10. Interesting photo. Lots of questions.

    I am back from my self-imposed vacation.

    Abraham Lincoln
    Brookville Daily Photo

  11. beetle
    the trains never quiet in spore. hmmm

    ah, you bought a bike there before?

    i wonder how long his arms are!

    cooking ninja,
    being chauffeured around is the best right?

    i can't blade though :-(

    no i din see the person. would love to see his long legs and hands! haha..

    who are you going with? :-p

    thanks for visiting, hope you come back more often!

    only a few people in the university in singapore ride bikes though...

    no competition Olivier, have a good weekend too!

    abraham lincoln,
    i shall visit you :-)

    are you a cheeky fella too?

  12. that must be a really tall person. or a really tall cheeky monkey...

    I have a bike, but never use it. I'm a bit lazy because it's really hilly where I live. I'm also a bit scared of riding the bike with all the trams on the road--they have priority and are unable to stop suddenly. So I just walk and ride the trams instead.
