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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Squirrel running up the tree, a case of fastest finger first

I managed to quickly take out my camera to snap it. It's taken below the block where I stay.
The squirrel was fast, but I was fast enough. haha..

Do you have any small little animals at the garden where you stay?


  1. Wow.. You must be REALLY fast!! :p

    I've seen squirrels too back in my old neighborhood. There were trees here and there. I even saw monkeys! But now the trees had been cut off. No more living animals but lifeless terrace house. How sad.

    That's why the global warming is getting serious day by day.

  2. a evry, a part les pigeons, rien..
    bravo pour ta photo, tu l'as prise au bon moment

    evry has, has share the pigeons, nothing. cheer for your photograph, you took it at the good time

  3. We mostly have birds (and feral cats!), and I have seen a ble-tongued lizard. Spiders, yep. No mammals oither than the two-legged variety and domestic pets though!

  4. Aha,this picture reminds me that I have two pictures of animals like that to be yet posted.

    Of course we do have little animals staying in our garden.Birds,squirrels and we also have the big one's like snakes,lizards and also monkeys!

  5. I could watch squirrels for hours they have this jumpy nervousness that is just too entertaining to miss.

  6. I also shot one like this when I was in LA and I saw a pair of squirrels running here and there and up the tree :) I even saw a humming bird but by the time I took my camera out, it was gone.

  7. My goodness, I'm impressed! Good job!

    Speaking of being quick, I've been meaning to post the recipe for my ciabatta, K-Man. I'll let you know when I finally do. The cookbook has been sitting next to the computer for weeks now.

  8. My goodness, I'm impressed! Good job!

    Speaking of being quick, I've been meaning to post the recipe for my ciabatta, K-Man. I'll let you know when I finally do. The cookbook has been sitting next to the computer for weeks now.

    Oh, we get the occasional possums and hedgehogs, but mostly neighbors' cats, dogs and hens, believe it or not!!

  9. We have geckos running around everywhere and other lizards.
