Monday, June 25, 2007

Commencement Ceremonies: Time of great rejoicing for students

It's the time of the year in Singapore that many students can't wait to receive their graduating scrolls.

Commencement ceremonies at the National University of Singapore will be starting soon. From 3 - 14 July, it will be a time of great smiles to many students and their families.

A visit to the campus grounds, and you can see banners like these all around. It really gives a festive mood to it. During the nights there are also blinking little lights that lights up the majestic big trees along the University Cultural Centre where the ceremonies will be held.

Are Commencement ceremonies in your city as lively? Some places called Commencement ceremonies, Convocations.


  1. There's no ceremonies for graduates in Nantes. I just learned that I got my degree 3 weeks ago. :)

  2. Ce type de ceremonie en France, cela commence à se faire cette année.

    This type of ceremony in France, that starts to be done this year.

  3. Gosh, I feel old. I graduated class of '77!!!
