Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Noah Ong performs the drums on Orchard Road (He's Ethan's younger brother)

This is Noah Ong. The little brother of Ethan Ong - Singapore's youngest busker.
(Hmmm I wonder if Noah has taken over the title)

Usually we see Ethan playing, but last Saturday afternoon, we saw it was a younger boy.

Ethan and his dad was at the side enjoying Noah playing Hillsongs on the drums.

I posted Ethan once last year, view it here if you want to recollect.


  1. I like your photograph of Noah playing the drums. Nice photo and was glad he is wearing ear plugs.

    I posted a picture today of the feeding process of robins. It is a series.

  2. I din noe Ethan's younger bro Noah can play drums too!

  3. He looks like he's having fun. Good shot!

  4. tres belle photo, il est impressionnant ce garçon. il ne nous manque que le son. bravo

    very beautiful photograph, it is impressing this boy. we miss only the sound. cheer

  5. Yeah... Does he have talent (heh I just had to ask)? People find Ethan not much of a big deal.. But trust me, he is very good and advanced for his age.

  6. Oho,nice one Keropok Man!I'm sure he did great.

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