Wednesday, May 09, 2007

No, it's not Paris, it's Singapore.

You might think that it's Seine River in Paris, where if you take a river cruise, you go below so many bridges.

This is actually Singapore River. This is the Coleman Bridge, just near the MICA Building with super colourful windows.


  1. Wow, the colors on the windows are gorgeous.

    Brilliant photo capture.

  2. I started to love this site, Singapore is beautiful, now it's another country I want to visit, but wait until I have my passport and sufficient money.

  3. hi, it's actually a bit off topic but since you guys know better about spore i wonder where to get a small mannequin here (some kind like barbie).
    thanks for the help, i appreciate it! :)

  4. Lots of elements, Good shot!
    the colourful windows are really nice

  5. That's not the boat with all the plants on board is it? If so (and if there's only one), I have a photo of it somewhere. :)
