Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The Esplande Roof got struck by lightning!

Last night, The Esplanade's thorny roof grew and expanded. Not all thorns expanded, but only a few of it. But it was enough to cause a horror among the locals. They thought they were in Sydney! I was lucky enough to capture it! Look how some thorns grew and curled up that it looked so much like Sydney's Opera House!

During the night, there was thunder and lighting and it rained the whole night.
The next morning at dawn, it seemed the lighting had struck off those huge thorns! Phew! The Esplanade is back in Singapore.

OK. It's theme day, and we are suppose to display a picture from a city other than your own.
The following Daily Photo sites are participating in the 1st May theme, please use the links to below to visit them.

Due to time zone differences and other factors, the theme photo may not be displayed until later if you are viewing early in the day.

Monte Carlo, Monaco - Rome, Italy - Singapore, by Keropokman - Tenerife, Spain - Rotterdam, Netherlands - London, UK - Montréal (QC), Canada - Melbourne, Australia by John - Naples (FL), USA - Bastia, France - Hong Kong, China - Mazatlan, Mexico - Buenos Aeres, Argentina - Manila, Philippines - Arradon, France - Madison (WI), USA - Evry, France - Seoul, Korea - Shanghai, China - Bucaramanga (Santander), Colombia - Sequim (WA), USA - Singapore, by Zannnie / Ming - Budapest, Hungary - Baziège, France - Hamburg, Germany - Toruń, Poland - Nelson, New Zealand - Madison (WI), USA - Vantaa, Finland - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Mainz, Germany - Dubai, UAE - Saint Paul (MN), USA - Cork, Ireland - Stockholm, Sweden - Menton, France - Tel Aviv, Israel - Albuquerque (NM), USA - Kitakami, Japan - Stayton (OR), USA - Szentes, Hungary - Stavanger, Norway - Grenoble, France - Villigen, Switzerland - Paris, France - Hyde, UK - Moscow, Russia - Joplin (MO), USA - Jakarta, Indonesia - Greenville (SC), USA - Cape Town, South Africa - Asheville (NC), USA - Seattle (WA), USA - Kyoto, Japan - Tokyo, Japan - Madrid, Spain - Auckland, New Zealand - Oulu, Finland - Lubbock (TX), USA -
Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Baton Rouge (LA), USA - Sydney, Australia by Sally - Maple Ridge (BC), Canada - Vancouver, Canada - Seattle (WA), USA - Selma (AL), USA - Chandler (AZ), USA - Sharon (CT), USA - Manila, Philippines - Lyon, France - New York City (NY), USA by Ming - Los Angeles (CA), USA - Brookville (OH), USA - Hayle, UK - Wailea (HI), USA - Saarbrücken, Germany - San Diego (CA), USA


  1. Oh, but that is Sydney, isn't it??

  2. Yes Kate, that's Sydney. :-) Taken a few years ago while I was there.

  3. Well done! Though I'm going to go with the other interpretation of the theme. :-)

  4. Pandai! I love your shot of the Opera House.

  5. great Keropok, what a transformation =)

  6. Thanks Z, Gerald, Edwin, Jazzy for visiting. :-)

  7. Very good intrepetation on the theme.

  8. Great fun, Keropok man, I had a good laugh!

  9. Your little story here is adorable!

  10. Very very nice shots & great description of the the durian.

  11. Wow, that's a great photo!!!

    Thanks for your visit on HamburgDailyPhoto!


  12. Pfeewwww!! For a minute, there I thought the Esplanade had moved to Sydney! ;)

  13. oh...pok!!
    I believed it is the Esplanade in the night firstly.....
    so nice shot and nice inpirations for the theme.

    shanghai daily photo

  14. These are incredible photographs. I wish. I wish I was there and had a personal guide to tour the place in person. Ha ha.

    My Theme Day portrait is of the <"Peashooter" and the National Museum of the United States Air Force. Hope you like flying.

  15. Quick call "Ripley's Believe it or Not"! Hahaha that's funny. Great shot of Sydney Opera House though.

  16. hey beautiful photo!! Sydney is tooo far away from here!

  17. Great interpretation! And funny commentary.

  18. Very nice. And gorgeous shots! Funny story too ;)

  19. I THOUGHT that was really Sydney. I remember it from the Olympics, I think!

  20. You are so silly! All's well that ends well...:)

  21. Thanks all for your comments. I really had fun reading them!

    It was a very last minute thingy. I was sms-ing Edwin (from KLDP), how how, what to post a few hours before 1 May.

  22. Hey, we are in Sydney. Brilliant! What time does the opera start?

  23. You got me fooled! Now see if you can figure out mine! So far, no one has, even though it's so simple! Happy Theme Day!

  24. Wow, got yourself out of a prickly situation. Well done Keropokman!

  25. Great!
    Thanks for visiting me on theme day. I have been out of computer contact and unable to comment on others.
