Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Big M, delicious milk!

Big M! I love their chocolate milk!

A lady distributing Big M balloons on Orchard Road during a promotional event.

In Singapore, we get the ones in bottles, which are UHT Milk. I remember while staying in Melbourne during my undergraduate years, I remember always getting them for breakfast at uni! It's the fresh milk version, in the milk carton packs. Simply love it....


  1. yummy,chocolate milk!
    I love their logo.

  2. Thought you were talking about moi!

    I'll take any choc any time! Yummy!

  3. je ne connais pas cette marque de chocolat, mais de toute façon j'aime tous les chocolats. donc une tres belle photo pour moi, qui me met l'eau à la bouche

    I do not know this chocolate mark, but in any event I like all the chocolates. thus a very beautiful photograph for me, which puts water with the mouth to me

  4. Ah, my hubby is addicted to chocolate! And now my daughters love it too. Nice post Keropok :)

  5. Nice photograph, Keropok. I like chocholate milk too.

    Abraham Lincoln

  6. I like chocolate too...maybe too much!

  7. The oni chocolate milk I know is Milo peng, dis wan is new to me, logo look a lot like one M from M&Ms

  8. I love chocolate milk and strawberry milk. But there are too much sugar in most of them.

    I would love to get some low-fat, low-sugar chocolate milk.
