Friday, March 09, 2007

Lose Less at Bugis Village

Well, the purpose of advertisements is to catch attention. This one sure caught mine.

This is taken at Bugis Village. Was on my way for lunch somewhere else, and the camera came out quick :-) Last day of the week. Wish you all a great weekend ahead!


  1. Very creating marketing, nice capture.

  2. Yes, you sure caught a good one. Great capture!

    Pat's Photos and
    Guelph Daily Photo

  3. Cool capture! I am impressed with UPS. We use them on a daily basis at my job...and they've only lost one thing...I think!

  4. Is Bugis Village part of the old Bugis St which had the reputation for being a bit raffish?

  5. lose less...
    mmm...when we vivist the DP blogs around world, we also lose less.

    shanghai daily photo

  6. Well thought! Please, what does "raffish" mean (in Sally's comment)?

  7. tres bonne publicité, bonne idée.
    Bravo pour la photo, je te souhaite un bon weekend

    very good publicity, good idea. Cheer for the photograph, I wish you a good weekend

  8. Sally, I think so :-) But that's a long long time ago.

    Alice, I think what Sally means is that place known to be a bit rowdy and famous for vice :-p

    Tanty, yes, that original meaning was where orang orang Bugis came from. They all stayed at this place, and thus the name. :-)

    Thanks all for the comments, have a good weekend!

  9. I hope all three of you have a great old time this weekend. Remember to take photos, too.
