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Sunday, January 14, 2007

The Merlion Park

This is the Merlion Park. It's where hoards of tourist will arrive with their cameras and click click click away. Yes, I was one of them, remember I was pretending to be a tourist? haha..

There's a platform built, so that you can take photos of it from the front. Purpose built for tourist. This place is also where you can get lots and lots of Merlion memorabilia.

The first photo is taken from further away, from a bridge.

Hmm. Wonder if the tourist boat will overflow with water if it goes under the merlion's stream of water :-)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Fabulous pictures. Love the different blue hues in the first photo.

  3. The second shot is damn leng my fren!

  4. superbes photos. cette fontaine (avec cette vue) est magnifique. Elle doit etre immense.

    superb photographs. this fountain (with this sight) is splendid. It must be immense.

  5. Hey, I got your post card, thanks. Do you work for the tourist board? No fair getting free postage! :) I had some postcards printed for DDP, but was not happy with the quality. Once I get new ones done, I will get one out to you.


  6. Hi Bill,

    Wow, it took a year to reach you? I sent it to you last year :-)

    Nope, I don't work for the Tourism Board. They gave us (as in whole of Singapore) free postcards and ask us to welcome friends from the world to visit.
    And they pay for the postage :-) And people who receives it might get a change to fly free to Singapore, on Singapore Airlines!

    Hope you like the card.

  7. both are great shots. i like the further shot.. made me homesick.. nostalgic...
