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Saturday, November 11, 2006

Christmas Preparations

Lazy Saturday.... I have been watching Cable TV the whole day!

Time to put up a post. Most malls already have their decoration up. This one is still fixing it up. Photo taken 2 or 3 nights ago.

Looks like it has been snowing. The wooden shed has snow all over it.


  1. already x'mas?? omg~ havent been shopping for months...
    btw, u watching cable whole day? got good show meh?

  2. Yes, it's too early; we all seem to agree on that score. It looks, tho, like the decorations will be both elaborate and beautiful. Good capture of the worker-bee!

  3. Let it snow !
    The decoration is wonderfull.
    I love the snow.-the real one -LOL
    Have a nice weekend!

  4. tres belle photo pour une tres belle maison de noel. les preparations commencent un peu partout, au centre commercial, cette semaine commence aussi les illuminations de noel. on a l'impression que noel commence de plus en plus tot.

    very beautiful photograph for a very beautiful house of Christmas. the preparations start a little everywhere, in the shopping centre, this week begins also the Christmas lights. one has the impression that Christmas starts more and more early.

  5. I am just about dying for a nice, long day in a BIGg shopping mall right now. Keropok Man, please go and enjoy on my behalf.

  6. That's quite an elaborate display. I'm impressed. There are a few lights on bushes outside some stores here and Santa is now at the Mall. I expect a lot more displays will be "on display" within a couple of weeks.

  7. It actually looks like a decoration on a cake or a train set and the man is just a small model. Not sure if I'm clear, but it seems from this perspective as if you are photographing a very small item for say a doll house versus the real thing! Excellent.

  8. real big scale decor.
    Christmas in Spore is fun!

  9. beautiful post KeropokMan =)

  10. its funny to see "snow" in a hot country.:)

  11. Precarious work, the ladder doesn't look too sturdy. He might fall down the chimney like Santa Claus.

    Curly's Photoshop

  12. Min, Got. Channel 55, or VV Channel is very addictive. Addicted on HK and Korean serials. haha..

    Kate, we have these people to thank for all the interesting deco in all the diff shopping mall.

    Selana, actually Singapore does have snow, at Snow City. But it's man made snow indoors. :p

    Olivier, ya, not only in Spore, Christmas starts earlier everywhere.

    Meg, shopping all day is super tiring. How can you ladies do it???? haha..

    Annie, yup, I remember the ones in Melbourne, they have the Myer Christmas window, wonder if it's ready. Maybe The Melbourne DP might post it soon. :-)

    Eric, hmmm cake, come to think of it, it does look like it! LOL

    Kris, hmm is it really fun? Spending it family and friends is more fun :)

    Jazzy, Thanks!

    Zsolt, unmeltable snow too! haha..

    Curly, that's a good one.

  13. Why so early, I really wish the marketing didn't kick in until 1st December at least!
